10 Reasons
to choose The AV7 Bible

Reason #1  AV7 is an accurate word-for-word literal translation.

Reason #2  AV7 uses no subjective paraphrasing.

Reason #3  AV7 is easy-to-read in present-day English.

Reason #4  AV7 invites readers to join God's family.

Reason #5  AV7 highlights the "Most Essential Truth" passages.

Reason #6  AV7 maintains continuity with time-honored sources.

Reason #7  AV7 corrects previous translation errors.

Reason #8  AV7 replaces incorrect masculine biased phrasing with gender-inclusive words where appropriate.

Reason #9  AV7 is available FREE and is not "All Rights Reserved" as most commercially promoted Bible versions and paraphrases are.

Reason #10  AV7 is supported by exhaustive documentation including a 17,342-word Greek-English concordance to validate every detail of its compilation and presentation.

Many additional reasons and more extensive information will be added here soon.  In the meantime, please visit the following website for further details:
