Question:  How were the passages in AV7 Bible that are described as "most essential" selected?

Answer:  The English translation of the Bible contains 790,391 words in 31,089 verses.  At a very fast reading speed of 200 words per minute,  it takes more than 66 hours to read this entire text.

Every word in the Bible is tremendously important;  but some words and passages in the Bible are significantly more important than others.  For example,  much of the Bible is comprised of historical narrative,  and while all of this historical record is important,  the Bible contains certain specific messages to all of mankind that are far more important than its historical content.

The Bible includes many other categories of content such as:  genealogical records,  eye-witness accounts of supernatural events,  prophecy,  illustrative allegories,  and much, much more.

Among all the different categories of content, it is important to understand that one part of the Bible's content clearly sets the Bible apart from every other book ever written, and that is the declarative instructions and declarations of universal truths that were spoken to mankind directly out of the mouth of of God. (cf. Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3)

By identifying and focusing attention on these particular words in the Bible that were actually spoken "out of the mouth of God," one can distill the Bible to its most essential content in this manner:

The "complete" Bible has 790,391 words in 31,089 verses, requires 66 hours to read
The New Testament has 180,396 words in 7,957 verses, requires 15 hours to read
The Four Gospels have 83,885 words in 3,779 verses, requires 7 hours to read
The "Red Letter" words comprise 39,580 words in 1,932 verses = 3.5 hours to read
The Most Essential of God's words* = 11,486 words 249 passages = 1 hour to read
The Very Most Essential  =  2,831 words in 108 passages  =  12 minutes to read

The AV7 Bible features and focuses on these Most Essential passages, thereby making it is much easier to quickly and efficiently grasp The Most Essential Truths in the Bible.  In this way, one can begin to read the Bible from the inside out!

The complete Bible is actually an extensive library of 66 books -- 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books.  To read the complete Bible from cover to cover would require reading for at least 10 minutes every single day for a year without ever missing a single day.  Or, by reading for one full hour every single day, seven-days a week, one could read the entire Bible in a little more than two months.

The New Testament is often recommended as a good place to start reading because it focuses on the blessings of faith in God more than on all of the ancient history found in the Old Testament. Yet even starting with the New Testament and reading for 30-minutes every day, it would still take more than a month to read just the complete New Testament.

The Four Gospels are the starting point and most important part of the New Testament.  The Gospels provide a multi-dimensional, stereo-scopic view of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whose name and title are also called  "the Word of God."  He is the central figure of the entire Bible.

The "Red Letter" words are all of the words spoken by Jesus, and sometimes printed or displayed in red ink. It is useful to be able to readily distinguish those words in the Bible that were actually spoken  "out of the mouth of the Word of God"  as His name is called in Revelation 19:13.

Furthermore, not all of the "Red-Letter" words spoken by Jesus are equal in importance.  Some of the "Red-Letter" words are in private conversations of a less "declarative" nature.  But certain other passages that are clearly and easily identifiable as most compelling and most essential "declarative instructions" and "declarations of universal truth."

* Among all of the 790,391 words in the Bible,  there are 11,486 words in 249 passages that were literally spoken out of the mouth of God to convey  "declarative instructions"  and  "declarations of universal truth"  to all mankind.  These  "Most Essential Truths"  are the focus of The AV7 Bible study guide:

" The Most Essential Truth in the Bible"

Finally, p; it is possible to identify an even more select "Very Most Essential Truths" comprised of 2,831 words that can be read in only 12 minutes.   These key passages are featured in the opening pages of The AV7 Bible.