Question: Why is The AV7 Bible not included in other websites
that present and compare multiple Bible versions?
Answer: Several reasons. The New Authorized Version Foundation has
not authorized the text of The AV7 Bible to be included on websites
that present multiple Bible versions as apparently equal in merit for
three reasons:
(1) There can never be such a thing as different yet equally trustworthy
versions of the truth in any given language. Therefore, it would be
counter-productive to the goal of protecting, preserving, and presenting
only the most defensibly accurate and trustworthy truth of the Word of God to
participate in multiple Bible version presentations that include paraphrases
and non-literal versions as apparently being of equal merit.
(2) To preserve authenticity in presenting word-for-word translation
accuracy, The AV7 Bible uses reduced sized italic type to clearly identify
interpolatively added words; plus it uses small superscript "+" flags
to clearly identify noteworthy revisions from the benchmark 18th century
English text with which The AV7 Bible preserves continuity. These,
and other unique AV7 Bible attributes are essential to its presentation.
(3) One of the major objectives of The AV7 Bible is to provide
a presentation of the Bible that is supported by extensive documentation
to validate its translation accuracy. This documentation includes
interlinear presentation of the most trustworthy Greek original language source
text plus The AV7 Bible Greek-English Concordance that presents 17,342
unique Greek New Testament words with their catalog and tense-voice-mood
identifying numbers, and their corresponding English translation.