Question: How did the appointed name "Yeshua"
evolve to become spelled and pronounced "Jesus"?
Answer: Many people throughout the English-speaking world revere and worship the name "Jesus." While this spelling of the name has become commonly accepted, it is, in fact, an error for several reasons.
#1. First, the Angel who announced the forthcoming birth of the child who would be the Only Begotten Son of God gave very specific instructions when he said, "You shall call His name Yeshua, for He will save His people from their sins." -Matthew 1:21
There is deep meaning in the name
Yeshua, as explained below.
#2. Second, while the name "Jesus" never appears in the Old Testament; the name "Yeshua" is there in many Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.
#3. Third, while the name "Jesus" and the title "Christ" have uplifting meaning for many who are faithful believers, regrettably, those names are too-frequently uttered as profanity. This is a tragic result of compromises that led to the mis-translation of the originally appointed Aramaic/Hebrew name Yeshua.
#4. Fourth, there is history behind the distortion that resulted in the correct pronunciation of the Lord's name evolving from "yeh-shoo-uh" to "jee-Zeus." Further details to follow.
A few ancient examples of Yeshua's name:
Below are a few verses in which the name "Yeshua"
can be found in the Old Testament. As one example: The Lord
has proclaimed: Behold, your Yeshua [salvation] is coming:
- Isaiah-62:11
- Genesis 49:18
- Psalm 9:14
- Psalm 91:14-16
- Isaiah 12:2-3
- Isaiah 53:1-12
- Habakkuk 3:13